Juicy Jackpot

Juicy Jackpot

Juicy Jackpot campaign has ended! Wait for the $JSP TGE and rewards distribution, and stay tuned to socials for the new events soon! 

Juicy Jackpot campaign has ended! Wait for the $JSP TGE and rewards distribution, and stay tuned to socials for the new events soon! 

  • Take quest

  • Complete quests

  • Earn $JSP rewards

Have fun with JUICY and get your share of $1M airdrop

juicy drops for grabs

8% of total supply
total prize pool

Collect at least
888 drops to be eligible!

  • Take quest

  • Complete quests

  • Earn $JSP rewards

At our juice bar, you get to squeeze your own juice!

Juicy Jackpot campaign has ended! Wait for the $JSP TGE and rewards distribution, and stay tuned to socials for the new events soon!

What is JuicyBet?

Why should I join Juicy Jackpot?

What are the rules and terms of Juicy Jackpot?

What is JuicyBet?

Why should I join Juicy Jackpot?

What are the rules and terms of Juicy Jackpot?

What is JuicyBet?

Why should I join Juicy Jackpot?

What are the rules and terms of Juicy Jackpot?

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